Haven Intermediate, 2015
Abstract concepts are the rulers of this domain. Angels, demons, mortals; they all become elements that color an empty canvas. I was once a brushstroke upon this vast whiteness. I faced doubts and fears, and longed to know the ideal answer to all my questions. Unfortunately, some questions are left forever unanswered, and we are left to wonder.
When time began to run
The time to leave had again come
To lands yet again unknown
Oh, how would I ever know
How would I ever know
When angels die do they just fly
Or are they reborn
How will I ever know
In a time of need should I let me go free
Or let me be torn
I fooled my own self
Convinced my soul that it was all just a test
Caught between my own teeth
Will I have to ride all the way to the land of the king
Oh, how would I ever know
When angels die do they just fly
Or are they reborn
How will ever know
In a time of need should I let me go free
Or let me be torn
How would I ever know
When angels die do they just fly
Or are they reborn
How will ever know
In a time of need should I let me go free
Or let me be torn
How would I ever know
How will I ever know
How will I ever know
How would I ever know
— Summer, 2011