our bones

Our Bones
Haven Intermediate, 2015

All that ever crosses this realm, is ethereal. The void is ultimate, and so is the loneliness that accompanies it. There is one memory that is fading faster than other ones; it is a memory of resonance, a warm light that reached all the way to our bones and made us feel invincible, only to, eventually, make us face the absolute truth: all things must come to an end. It makes me wonder... Will I one day go back home?

Two turns of the lock and then you fly away
Though you were never inside anyway

Giant endless skies were never a border to us
Though oceans rusted our decks and tore our sails

I left a part of my soul Inside memories of flowing
Waves of water
Prisms of light...

A pharos that will guide us back home

I never thought that these rays would pierce my heart
An overestimation of my strength

Revered feelings pour out from my unhealed wounds
Hope, despair, and wonder dance around in circles

Dreams and promises rain down and soothe our skin
But our bones drift apart further and away

Rolling back in time we resonate again
But not in melodies that connect these worlds

— Fall, 2014